社名 | 有限会社 國重空間設計 Kunishige Kuukann Sekkei Co., Ltd. (⼀級建築⼠登録事務所 東京都知事登録 第60273号) |
代表取締役 | 國重 智之 |
設⽴ | 2005年7⽉ |
資本⾦ | 300万円 |
電話 | 03-5422-7223(tell) 03-5420-6350(fax) |
info@kunikuukan.com | |
住所 | 〒150-0013 東京都渋⾕区恵⽐寿2-28-7 世亞ビル3F 3F 2-28-7 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku Tokyo, Japan |
国内外に76店舗を展開するラグジュアリーブランド「WINE SHOP ENOTECA 」の空間デザインは、⼈気を博し続けている作品のひとつです。
Kunishige Kuukan Sekkei is a leading expert interior design company based in Tokyo.
We specialize in space design, and the projects we take on may range from small to big, streetside shops to commercial complexes, and even household to hotel, and restaurant interior design.
One of the popular and ongoing works that we have the honor of handling includes the space design for the WINE SHOP ENOTECA brand, a luxury brand with 76th stores at home and abroad.
Furthermore, in recent year, we have been highly active in Asia region in places like China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, just to name a few.
For example, in Changchun City, China, weave the privilege of being commissioned by local developers on numerous space design projects which are still ongoing.
Our ultimate goal is to help gather our clients’ thoughts, organize it into realizable projects, and bring a fantasy to life by creating the environment they so desire.